List of publications
– Bordanoba-Gallego, L.; Serradell, O.; Morlà-Folch, T, Ruiz-Eugenio, L. & Pulido, C. (2023). Feudalism, meritocracy and sexual harassment. Social and Education History. Pre-published February, 20th, 2023.
– Hayter, M., Lee, A., Rasalpurkar, S., Dixit, A., Fewings, H., Ali, P., Whitfield, C., Giridhari, S., Tambe, S., Kabra, P., Rayamane, K., Ovseiko, P.V., & Ahankari, A.S. (2023). Experiences of domestic violence prevention interventions and gender equality promotion work: A qualitative study of Nirdhar Groups in rural India. F1000Research, 12(388).
– Khursheed, T., Ovseiko, P.V., Harifi, G., Badsha, H., Kuang, C.Y., Hill, C.L, Haq, S.A., Danda, D., Gupta, L. (2022). Gender
equity in rheumatology leadership in the Asia-Pacific, Rheumatology Advances in Practice, rkac087,
– Kiparoglou, V. (2022). Perceptions of gender equity and markers of achievement in an National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre (BRC): a qualitative study. Health Research Policy and Systems, 20, 102.
– Ovseiko, P. V., & Schmidt, E. K. (2021). Building an evidence base on organisational interventions to advance women in healthcare leadership. EClinicalMedicine, 39.
– Ovseiko, P.V., Andreoli, L., Hassan, N., Kiltz, U., van Mens, L., Gossec, L., van der Leeden, M., Siddle, H., Alunno, A., McInnes, I., Danjanov, N., Apparailly, F., Ospelt, C., van der Horst-Bruinsma, I., Nikiphorou, E., Druce, K., Szekanecz, Z., Sepriano, A., Avcin, T., Bertsias, G., Schett, G., Keenan, A.M., Coates, L.C. (2022). Gender equity in academic rheumatology and how to advance it: A cross-sectional study to inform a EULAR task force. RMD Open, 8, e002518.– Palmer-Ross, A., Ovseiko, P. V., & Heidari, S. (2021). Inadequate reporting of COVID-19 clinical studies: a renewed rationale for the sex and gender equity in research (SAGER) guidelines. BMJ Global Health, 6(4), e004997.
– Palmer-Ross, A., Ovseiko, P.V., Heidari, S. (2021) Inadequate reporting of COVID-19 clinical studies: a renewed rationale for Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines. BMJ Global Health, 6: e004997.
– Puigvert, L., Villarejo-Carballido, B., Gairal-Casadó, R., Gómez, A., Cañaveras, P., & Martí, T. S. (2022). An Instagram Hashtag Fostering Science Education of Vulnerable Groups during the Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 1974.
– Pulido Rodriguez, C. M., Ovseiko, P., Font Palomar, M., Kumpulainen, K., & Ramis, M. (2021). Capturing Emerging Realities in Citizen Engagement in Science in Social Media: A Social Media Analytics Protocol for the Allinteract Study. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20.
– Racionero-Plaza, S., Flecha, R., Carbonell, S., & Rodríguez-Oramas, A. (2023). Neuroedumyhts: A Contribution from Socioneuroscience to the Right to Education for All. Qualitative Research in Education, 12(1), 1-24.
– Redondo-Sama, G., Morlà-Folch, T., Burgués, A., Amador, J., & Magaraggia, S. (2021). Create solidarity networks: dialogs in Reddit to overcome depression and suicidal ideation among males. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22).
– Soler-Gallart, M., & Flecha, R. (2022). Researchers’ Perceptions About Methodological Innovations in Research Oriented to Social Impact: Citizen Evaluation of Social Impact. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21, 16094069211067654.
– Valls-Carol, R., Álvarez-Guerrero, G., López de Aguileta, G., Alonso, Á., & Soler-Gallart, M. (2021). Citizen Debates in Social Networks about Didactic Resources for Mathematics. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21).